Image 16 is a shape observation in torn black tissue paper on drawing paper.
The paint covered mask in Image 17 was produced while producing a monoprint using a silicon sponge ‘plate’. It shows the transparent mask made from a thin punched pocket after it had been used on the silicon sponge plate brayered with black acrylic paint (it has a piece of white paper behind so that it could be scanned). The two resulting monoprints are shown in Images 18 and 19.
Ghost monoprint on thick tissue using the silicon plate after image 19 had been taken and the mask removed.
Monoprint on photocopy paper made using the mask in Image 17 with second colour added.
The third study used a printing block made from an Amazon box.
The relief on the block was made from strips cut from the corrugated card of the box which were manipulated into place, cutting the box to both to retain and lose the detail of the corrugation.
Print taken from the block on thin tissue paper. The detail on this print was finer than I had anticipated but I was able to take rubbings from it to make coloured papers later.
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