*six month interlude*
Colour changes using a metallic thread combined with a coloured thread in machine stitched areas
Image MM157 used WARM rust thread with a selection of metallic threads, all of which were wound on bobbins. The whole sample was worked from the back, framed, and stitched using a darning spring rather than a darning foot. The top tension was adjusted to vary the amount of colour present.
The metallic threads used were, from top left to right: 100% nylon gold; Ackerman Isamet silver 0511; Asiro3 metallic variegated; Madeira metallic copper; green metallic; blue metallic; red metallic; skin coloured metallic; Impex gold; Madeira Gold3; Mez reflecta0314; DMC fil argent. Calico ground.
Image158 used COOL royal blue thread with the same metallics as in the above sample and was worked in the same way.
Image MM159 is the top left square from Image MM158- my favourite!
Image MM160 uses a range of different blue threads - Isacord 3323; pale blue polyester; royal blue polyester; Madiera 2016 variegated; Coats 1210 variegated; Dewhurst cotton D8 royal blue - with Ackerman Isamet 0511 silver metallic thread. The stitches are worked in different directions creating variations in the reflection of light as well as colour variations depending on the threads chosen. Calico ground.
Image 161 is the back of Image MM160. It is easier to see the colours used.
Use of Paints, Inks and Bronze Powders
Image 162 - black linen ground, rubbed with platinum markal paintstik over corrugated card and then overprinted with silver acrylic paint using polystyrene block
Image 163 - black cotton ground, sponged over stencil from Module 1, using L Cornelissen and Co pearl lustre, lilac pearl powder mixed with acrylic wax.
Image MM164 - lustre powder as above, sponged and dragged repeatedly over cardboard cut edge.
Use of Light Gold Markal Paintstik
Image MM165 - gold paintstik repeatedly rubbed over relief cardboard surface. Black linen ground.
Image MM166 - gold paintstik repeatedly rubbed over string stitched on plastic pocket. Black linen ground.
Image MM167 - paintstik on edge of cardboard cutout and dragged onto fabric using stencil brush. Black cotton ground.
Use of PVA
Image 168 - glue line drawn on black linen ground and silver foil applied when dry. This remained sticky so not ideal.
Use of Transfer Adhesive
MM169 - gull shapes cut from bond-a -web and slightly used silver foil (shown behind) ironed on. Black linen ground.
Image 170 - negative shape from Image 169 applied in the same way.
Image 171 - sample from Lynda Monk workshop using same gull design used previously cut out from coloured pelmet vilene and then foiled in the same way. A dressmaking pattern has been applied on top of the foil using Golden matt medium to knock back the shine of the foil.