I had made more wax crayon rubbings of the tree on tissue when I visited the Wettern Tree Garden to take photos of the blossom. Wax crayon and oil pastels marks were also made on photocopy paper. I gave all the papers a wash with Koh-i-noor watercolours using various colours from my colour study. The tissue papers were interesting as I liked the backs as much as the fronts – I’ve included both and infact went on to use both sides.
b) Paper Weaving
I tore the paper into strips and started weaving, trying to retain the horizontal markings of the tree from the original photographs and designs. I use the camera on my phone for design work as it is a simple way to capture, crop and enlarge images so I get an immediate feel for whether a design is working. Images 50 and 51 show my first weaving.
I decided when I looked at these images that the grey paper/small strips were too heavy (they were infact the papers made from the photocopy paper) and decided to just use the coloured tissue paper.
The following images show the weaving evolving.
I finalised this piece of weaving (Image 58) and carried on to do another (Image 59).
I then selected selected two areas from Image 58
deciding to base my stichery on Image 61.